d22f196b Oil pump

The oil pump is installed in a forward cover of the engine. The bent shaft puts in action an internal rotor a chain and an asterisk of the oil pump. The effective and compact oil pump with 5 teeths on external and the 6th – on an internal gear wheel is used. Gear wheels have trokhoidalny gearing. The pump consists of internal and external rotors, the reducing valve and case.

Oil pump non-demountable. At malfunction of the oil pump, replace it assembled.

Fig. 2.41. Oil pump: 1 – the case of the oil pump (with the built-in perepuskny valve); 2 – spring of a natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump; 3 – natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump; 4 – sending to a chain of the oil pump; 5 – chain of the oil pump; 6 – asterisk of the oil pump