Removal and installation of the lever of the selector
Fig. 3.88. Mechanism of switching of the automatic transmission: 1 – facing of a steering column (with the mechanism of blocking of a key); 2 – a clip (with the mechanism of blocking of a key); 3 – a clip (with the mechanism of blocking of a key); 4 – a blocking cable (with the mechanism of blocking of a key); 5 – transfer choice cable; 6 – gate selector lever
The mechanism of switching of the automatic transmission is shown in fig. 3.88.
Disconnect a negative wire of the rechargeable battery.
Remove the rechargeable battery and its tray.
Remove the air filter.
Remove the console.
Remove the dashboard.
Remove the module of management of the control system of stability.
Fig. 3.89. Removal of the control unit of climatic installation: 1 cables of control of the air gate; 2 – block of climatic installation
Remove the control unit of climatic installation (fig. 3.89).
Remove a back air duct.
Remove facing of a steering column.
Disconnect clips and remove a cable of blocking and a cable of the choice of transfer.
Fig. 3.90. Scheme of installation of a cable of the choice of transfer
To establish a cable of the choice of transfer it is necessary to establish at first it on an arm, as shown in the figure 3.90.
Before replacement of a cable of the choice of transfer check that the lever of the selector is in situation P.
Fig. 3.91. Blocking of a clamp of a cable of the choice of transfer (from the selector lever)
Block a transfer choice cable clamp (from the selector lever) in the order shown in the figure 3.91.
Fig. 3.92. Check of a shaft of manual switching
Check that the shaft of manual switching is in situation P (fig. 3.92).
Fig. 3.93. The correct installation of the lever of the selector on the lever of a shaft of manual switching
Install the selector lever on the lever of a shaft of manual switching so that the cable of the choice of transfer was not loaded.
Make sure that the end of the lever of a shaft of manual switching leaves a transfer choice cable tip.
Establish a cable of the choice of transfer to an arm.