
1.1.10. Heater, conditioner and system of ventilation of interior of the car

Adjustment of ventilating deflectors
Hand-operated air conditioning system
Heating mode
Air cooling mode
Ventilation mode
Mode of an obduv of a windshield
The air drainage mode (with turning on of the conditioner of air)
Automatic control system of a microclimate
The air recirculation mode (the indicator is switched on)
The forced ventilation mode (the indicator is switched off)
Work of an automatic control system of a microclimate
Sensor of solar radiation and sensors of temperature
General recommendations about operation of the conditioner

Fig. 1.103. General scheme of heating of salon and scheme of the modes of switching of distribution of air streams

The general scheme of heating of salon and the scheme of the modes of switching of distribution of air streams is shown in fig. 1.103.