Check of thermal gaps in the mechanism of the drive of valves
Disconnect a negative wire of the rechargeable battery.
Remove the right wheel.
Remove the right mudguard.
Turn out spark plugs.
Disconnect a high-voltage wire.
Disconnect the socket of the operating oil valve (OCV).
Remove a ventilation hose.
Uncover a head of the block of cylinders. Make sure that the engine cold.
Measure a valvate gap.
For measurement of a valvate gap turn a bent shaft clockwise so that the piston No. 1 was installed in compression step VMT.
Fig. 2.77. Order of measurement of valvate gaps
By means of the special probe measure a valvate gap in a point And (fig. 2.77).
Write down the measured values to choose the corresponding pushers of the valve if their replacement is required further.
Turn a bent shaft on 360 ° clockwise so that the piston No. 4 was installed in compression step VMT.
The same as in the first case, measure a valvate gap in B point (see fig. 2.77).
Standard gap (on the cold engine):
- an admission – 0,22–0,28 mm;
- release – 0,27–0,33 mm.
If valvate gaps does not meet standard, adjust them, or, in case of impossibility of adjustment, replace pushers of valves new.
Establish all removed details into place as it should be, the return to removal.