Installation of a forward cover of the engine
Apply kremniyevoorganichesky sealant on a forward cover of the engine, in the places shown in the figure 2.108.
Fig. 2.108. Places of putting sealant on a forward cover of the engine
Establish a cover in 10 min. after putting sealant. For L3 model engines putting sealant in the area C is not required (see fig. 2.108).
Thickness of the applied sealant: 2,0–3,0 mm for area A, 1,5–2,5 mm – for area B.
Fig. 2.109. Order of tightening of bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders
Establish bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders in the order specified in the figure 2.109.