d22f196b Switch of light of forward fog lights

Fog lights improve visibility conditions in fog, and also do the car more noticeable for other participants of traffic.
Fog lights can be included at any position of the central switch of lighting, except the provision of "OFF" (is switched off).

Fig. 1.69. Operating modes of the switch of forward fog lights: 1 – switch of fog lighting

To include forward fog lights, turn the handle of the switch of fog lighting in the relevant provision (fig. 1.69). At inclusion of forward fog lights the corresponding indicator located on the dashboard lights up.
To switch off forward fog lights, turn the switch of fog lighting in the provision of "OFF" it (is switched off) or turn the central switch of lighting in the provision of "OFF" It (is switched off). At switching off of fog lights the corresponding indicator located on the dashboard dies away.

Automatic control of lighting devices.
If the central switch of lighting is in the provision of "AUTO" (the automatic mode), then forward fog lights can be included when headlights, other devices of external lighting and illumination of the control panel are included.