d22f196b Modes of switching of indications of the odometer

One of values of the passable distance is registered the index of a run for a trip And, and the second – the index of a run for a trip of Century.
For example, by means of the index And it is possible to control the distance passed from starting point, and by means of the index In – the distance passed after gas station of the fuel tank. Switching of the display from the index And on the index In is made short (no more than one second) by pressing the switch button. The chosen index of a run for a trip (And or In) is designated on the display as appropriate: "TRIP A" or "TRIP V". Each index of a run for a trip registers the distance passed by the car from the moment of the last dumping of indications. To drop the current indication, press the button of the switch and hold it in the pressed situation not less than one second. Use the index of a run for a trip to define the distance passed by the car and to calculate traveling fuel consumption.

The index of a run for a trip allows to register the passable distance to within the tenth share of kilometer. Indications of the index of a run for a trip are nullified in the following cases:
– at the termination of electric food (the safety lock burned down or the rechargeable battery is switched-off from onboard network);
– at achievement of a run of 999,9 km.

Fig. 1.52. Scheme of switching of the modes of the odometer